Placebo Junkies
For Audie and her friends, “volunteering” for pharmaceutical drug trials means a
quick fix and easy cash. The side effects can get nasty, but Audie’s got things
under control. But the best fix of all is her boyfriend Dylan, and the fact that he has a terminal illness just makes them even more compatible. He’s turning 18 soon, so Audie is saving up to make it an unforgettable birthday. That means more
drug trials than ever before, but Dylan is worth it.
No pain, no gain, she repeats, as her grip on reality starts to slide...

Carleson, a former undercover CIA officer, infuses her story with compelling details and gripping authenticity.
The Boston Globe
Filled with political intrigue and emotional tension, Carleson’s riveting novel features a teenage refugee caught in a web of deceit and conspiracy.
Publishers Weekly, starred review for The Tyrant's Daughter